If we talk about moving on, I can smile.
Two years ago. She was crying. Not because she was hurt. But because she was happy for me. She was setting me free that time. And I didn't want to. And she didn't want either. Then why was she happy for me?
Four years ago. She was laughing. Not because she was happy. But because she was hurt by a guy. The guy set her free. And she didn't want to. And he didn't want either. So she was really crying.
Three years ago. We were happy. We were laughing together. Sometimes we were crying together. But we were happy.
Two years ago. I was happy. I thought I found the girl. Just as what I thought.
Two years ago. She was crying. But she was smiling. She was saying goodbye. She said she was happy for me. Because I found the girl.
Three years ago. We were happy. We were laughing and crying. But we were not together.
A few years ago. I thought I wouldn't be able to move on. We were not together. But we had to set each other free. It was a painful breakup. Because we were not together.
Just this year. We are happy. We have our separate lives. But we are happy for each other. That's why if we talk about moving on, I can smile.